The recovery project of the Oratorio dei Carmini (1648)

What follows is a small dossier on the Oratorio dei Carmini, an artefact dating back to 1648, which the Association Sodalitas Cantorum took over from the Parish of Sant'Antonio Abate in Marostica, bringing it back to its original beauty, through a conservative restoration, which has recovered its architectural integrity and preciousness of seventeenth-century paintings It is a page of art and history of our Marostica, which can legitimately boast original authenticity, following the works begun in 2012 and completed in 2016, resulting in the complete recovery of the paintings, through the removal of the layers of wall paint that covered them, the consolidation of the plasters, the cleaning of the walls and the vault, the retouching and finishing of the figure From an architectural point of view, the artefact has been completely restored, consolidated and restored to full functionality, through the renovation of the access staircase, covered with red Asiago marble, the restoration of the cruising vault, which has long since fallen, above the North classroom, the structural renovation of the flooring and the finishing of the two classrooms, also depending on the installation of the floor heating and The work could be completed with the help of important public and private institutions, including the Municipality of Marostica, the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference), being the Oratorio dei Carmini an ecclesiastical asset, the Lions Club Marostica, the Rotary Club Bassano Castelli, the Fondazione Banca Popolare di Marostica – Volksbank; some important local companies and private citizens, who have shown great interest for our project, in addition to the Cantori di Marostica, who in the Oratorio dei Carmini have their headquarters, together with the Sodalitas Cantorum.

Esq. Teobaldo Tassotti
President of the Sodalitas Cantorum Association

Who's us

The activities of our Association are supported by the choral group

Sodalitas Cantorum

Via Carmini, 6 – 36063 Marostica (VI)
President: Esq. Teobaldo Tassotti

For information or any other request regarding the activities of the Association, do not hesitate to write to us.

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The Church and the Oratory of the Carmini: the book (IT only)

Here is the cover image of the volume presented to the public on Saturday 23 November 2019, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the construction of the Carmine church (1619).

By clicking on the cover image you will have access to a short excerpt of 5 pages that will give you an idea of the very high quality of the work and the great and patient work done to make it. The volume, in its entirety, has as many as 156 pages.

It is a wonderful and complete work where the Church and the Oratorio dei Carmini are told, which represents one of the most loved assets for the citizens of Marostica, and which the contribution of institutions, associations, companies and families has returned in recent years to its former glory. This publication, the last act of an enhancement project carried out by the volunteers of Sodalitas Cantorum, represents a new opportunity to make this seventeenth-century jewel known to the world, highlighting the civil, religious, social vitality and art of seventeenth-century Marostica.

We are pleased to inform you that the aforementioned volume is on sale at the cover price of € 25.

To buy it, simply send an e-mail to the President of our. Association, at the address


Here is the cover image of the volume presented to the public on Saturday 23 November 2019, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the construction of the Carmine church (1619).

By clicking on the cover image you will have access to a short excerpt of the work The volume counts a total of 156 pages. Note: the book has only been printed in the Italian edition and there is no translated version.

This is a documented and complete work, in which the Church and the Oratory dei Carmini are told, which represent for the citizens of Marostica one of the most beloved and precious assets, returned in these years to its former splendour with the contribution of bodies, associations, companies and families of Marostica. The publication, the last act of an enhancement project carried out by the volunteers of Sodalitas Cantorum, represents an opportunity to make this jewel of the seventeenth century known to everyone, highlighting the civil, religious, social and artistic vitality of the Marostica of the seventeenth century.

The volume is available to the public for promotional purposes, with an offer aware for the activity of the Association Sodalitas Cantorum.